

  • Kollel

    Immerse yourself in the world of Torah!  The Kollel offers high level learning for students possessed of advanced skills and familiarity with classic texts and meforshim. This course is designed to edify, inspire and further hone your learning skills. Probe the depths of a topic and come to appreciate the profound wisdom of our sages in an entirely new light. 

    You may be at a public university but for a short period of time each week you can enter the exciting zone of the Beit Midrash!

    The Kollel will meet weekly for eight weeks. The program includes 90-minute sessions with guided Chavruta study and an in-depth Shiur/lecture, and a $300 stipend towards Sefarim or cash. Day and time of classes will be determined by interested participants.  

    Instructor: Rabbi Zalman Chein

    To apply, please fill out the form below.  Acceptance pending personal interview.

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