Parents Sposnorship Opportunities


Parents, celebrate your child's birthday or other special occasion, or mark a yarhtzeit,  with one of the following sponsorships which will be marked with a sign in our dining room, an announcement during Shabbat and an announcement in our weekly e-mail.  


   Sponsorship Opportunties   

 Help turn the weekend into Shabbat at Binghamton


Complete Shabbat Sponsor

Friday Night Sponsor $7,000.00
  Friday Night Sustainer $3,600.00

Friday Night Patron 


Shabbat Lunch Sponsor

  Shabbat Lunch  Patron $1,800.00
  Friday Night Oneg/ Dessert Buffet Sponsor $600.00
  Friday Night Oneg/ Dessert Buffet Co-sponsor $360.00
  Seudah Shlishit (Shalashudis) Sponsor


Seduah Shlishit (Shalashudis) Co-sponsor  

* For these gifts your son/daughter will receive a private e-mail acknowledgement.


Below please give us exact wording  to appear on the sign and in the e-mail announcement ( i.e. from mom and dad,  titles and surnames, with love, including siblings etc) 


Please indicate which weekend you prefer:   

*  Denotes required field

First Name *  
Last Name *  
Address Line 1 *  
Address Line 2
City *  
State *  
Zip Code *  
Phone *  
Email Address *  


Card Type *
Card Number *
Expiration Date *
CVV Security Code *   What's This?
Email Address
Reconfirm Email Address
You may acknowledge my gift to my email address
Please acknowledge my gift by mail to the above street address.
Please contact me to discuss additional giving opportunities.

Please click submit only once.
Please wait a few seconds for acknowledgement online that your information was received.