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Beit Midrash - Supper and Study With Sizzle!

Study any aspect of Judaism, with a friend,
at your own pace.

Come with a friend, or we can help you find the right study partner!


Every Wednesday evening at Chabad

420 Murray Hill Road

Delicious dinner at 6:30 PM

Study session 7:00-8:00 PM




* Denotes required field

Your Information
Yes! I am interested in joining the Beit Midrash progam
First Name Last Name
Cell Phone Email
I have the following Jewish Educational experience :
If other please specify here:
I would like to study the following topic(s): (please choose two, ranking your preference by number):
Prayer (Structure of the prayerbook, synagogue skills)
Weekly Torah Portion (with commentaries)
Practical Halacha (Shabbat, Kashrut, Brachot)
Talmud/Mishna, Ethics of the fathers
Jewish Philosophy
Chassidic Philosophy
Please arrange a study partner with similar background for me.
I would like to help someone with less background than I have.
  I would like to study with: